NSI FORMATIONS Version Odoo 15.0
Informations sur le NSI FORMATIONS instance d'Odoo, le ERP Open Source.
Applications installées
- Report Font Configurator
- Change the size of the odoo pdf report font according to the given setting, now you can make the size smaller to save paper. odoo report font setting,odoo report font changing, font setting, resize font,odoo resize font, odoo pdf font size decrease
- Product Pack for Purchase
- Product Pack for Purchase
- Product Pack
- Combine two or more products together in order to create a bundle product.
- Vente
- Du devis aux factures
- Facturation
- Factures & Paiements
- Gérez vos pistes et vos opportunités
- Site Web
- Constructeur de sites web d'entreprise
- Stock
- Gérez votre stock et vos activités logistiques
- Achats
- Bons de commande, offres et accords
- Point de vente
- Interface PdV conviviale pour les magasins et les restaurants
- Projet
- Organisez et planifiez vos projets
- eCommerce
- Vendez vos produits en ligne
- Fabrication
- Ordres de fabrication & BOMs
- Notes de frais
- Soumettez, validez et facturez les notes de frais des employés
- Congés
- Allocate PTOs and follow leaves requests
- Recrutement
- Gérez votre tunnel de recrutement
- Employés
- Centralisez les informations de vos employés
- Odoo 15 Full Accounting Kit
- Asset and Budget Management, Accounting Reports, PDC, Lock dates, Credit Limit, Follow Ups, Day-Bank-Cash book reports.
- Custom Product Labels
- Print custom product labels with barcode | Barcode Product Label
- Odoo Product Label Builder
- Product Barcode Label Building and Printing | Professional Tool to Print Labels | Barcode Product Label Builder | Product Label Designer | Sticker Label Maker | Dymo Label Maker | Barcode Label Generator
- Arc Backend Theme
- Ditch the boring theme while working; opt for the Odoo Arc Backend Theme and increase your business performance. Switch from Light and Dark mode as per your working necessities. Arc Backend Theme, Backend Theme, Responsive Theme, Fully Functional Theme, Flexible Backend Theme, Fast Backend Theme, Modern Multipurpose Theme, Lightweight Backend Theme, Animated Backend Theme, Advance Material Backend Theme, Customizable Backend Theme, Multi Tab Backend Theme Odoo, Attractive Theme for Backend, Elegant Backend Theme, Community Backend Theme, Odoo Community Backend Theme, Fully Functional Backend Theme, Responsive Web Client, Mobile Theme, Backend UI, Mobile Interface, Mobile Responsive for Odoo Community, Dual Color Backend Theme, Flexible Enterprise Theme, Enterprise Backend Theme
- Maintenance
- Suivre les équipements et gérer les demandes de maintenance
- All In One Import - Partner, Product, Sales, Purchase, Accounts, Inventory, BOM, CRM, Project | Import Product Template | Import Product Variant | Import Product Image | Import Sale Order Lines | Import Reordering Rules| Import Purchase Order Lines
- Import Customers From Csv,Import Suppliers,Import Product image,Import Sale Order from excel,Import Stock,Import Inventory,import purchase order,Import Invoice,Import Bill of Material,Import Lead,Import Task,Import Vendor Detail,Import bank statement
- All in One Mobile Barcode/QRCode Scanner|Sale Order Mobile Barcode Scanner|Purchase Order Mobile Barcode Scanner|Invoice Mobile Barcode Scanner|Inventory Mobile Barcode Scanner|Bill Of Material Mobile Barcode Scanner
- invoice mobile qrcode scanner bom mobile barcode All in One Mobile Barcode Scanner stock adjustment qrcode scan request for quotation mobile barcode scanner product mobile barcode warehouse mobile account mobile qrcode scanner purchase barcode Odoo
- Amount In Words - Multi Language Supported
- Sale Order Amount In Words Module, Purchase Order Amount In Words, Invoice Total Amount In Words App, Customer Language Selector Application, PO Amount In Words, So Amount In Words, Request For Quotation Amount In Words Odoo
- Product Barcode Generator
- Default Make Barcode Module,New Product Barcode Generate App,Existing Product Barcode Generate Application, Existing Multi Product Barcode Create, Custom Product Barcode Generator Odoo.
- Call For Price
- Manage Product Price Module, Hide Product Price App, Remove Goods Price Module, Temporary Invisible Product Price , Price Manage, Manage Product Price Odoo
- sh_custom_rate
- rate Conversation
- HTML Snippets
- HTML Snippets App, HTML Slider Snippet, html Image Grid Block, Html List Blocks, Html Snippet Module, HTML Snipet, html Box, HTML Content Box, Css snippet, Js snippet, JavaScript snippet.
- Schedule Import | Import Base
- Import By Scheduler Import Using Scheduler Import Records Scheduler Import Records Run Scheduler Scheduled Import Schedule Importing Force Import Records Force Import Odoo
- Tax information on lines Sales, Purchases, Accounting
- display sale order tax line, show purchase order tax line, Quotation Tax, RFQ Tax, view invoice tax line module, see vendor bills tax lines app, tax information on lines odoo
- Popup Message
- create Success, warnings, alert message box wizard,success popup message app, alert popup module, email popup module odoo
- Payment Information In Invoice, Bill, Credit Note, Debit Note
- Payment Information In Invoice, payment detail in Bill,Payment Info in Debit Note,Payment Information in Credit Note, Invoice Payment Detail Module, Invoice Report Payment Information Odoo
- Print Lead Or Opportunity
- print opportunity app, print quotation list report, print lead meetings detail, print lead module, lead print, opportunity print, oppertunity print odoo
- Website Product Custom Tab
- New Tab In Product Module, Create Dynamic Tabs App, Add Multiple Tabs In Product, Make Product Dynamic Tab, Update Global Custom Tabs, Ecommerece Product Custom Tabs,Custom Product Tabs,woocommerce Custom Tabs,ecommerce Custom Tabs Odoo
- Product Multi Barcode
- Product Multiple Barcode,Product Various Barcode Generator,Product Many Barcodes, Product Multi Barcode,Different Product Barcodes,Generate Various Product Barcodes, Search Product Multiple Barcode, Find Product Multiple Barcode Odoo
- Product QR Code Generator
- Default Make QR Module,New Product QR Generate App,Existing Product QR Generate Application, Existing Multi Product QR Create, Custom Product QR Generator,Product QRCode Generator,QRCode Product Odoo
- Product Search Dynamic
- Product Search Dynamic, Product Custom Search, Search Product Field Module, Find Product Dynamic Fields App, Search Internal Reference, Barcode, HSN Code, SAC Code In Product Odoo
- eLearning
- Gérer et publier une plateforme eLearning
- Évènements
- Publiez vos évènements, vendez vos tickets
- Messages
- Chat, passerelle d'email et canaux privés
- Contacts
- Centralisez votre carnet d'adresses
- Calendrier
- Planifier des réunions d'employés
- Parc automobile
- Gérez votre parc automobile et suivez les coûts de vos véhicules
- Blogs
- Publiez des articles de blog, des annonces, des nouvelles
- Live Chat
- Discutez avec les visiteurs de votre site
- Tableaux de bord
- Créez vos propres tableaux de bord
- Réparations
- Réparez les produits endommagés
- Présences
- Suivez les présences des travailleurs
- Notes
- Organisez votre travail avec des mémos
- Forum
- Gérez un forum avec un FAQ et une Q&R
- Gestion des compétences
- Gérez les compétences, les connaissances et le curriculum vitae de vos employés
- Emplois en ligne
- Gérez votre processus de recrutement en ligne
- Intermédiaire de paiement PayPal
- Intermédiaire de Paiement : Implémentation Paypal